


我今年25歲, 我係06年sem 2 Bachelor of Accountancy Graduates, 我畢業之後就返左香港, 冇申請到PR. 我想問如果我而家想移民返澳洲, 我仲夠唔夠分申請呢?有冇話畢業之後幾內要申請? (我冇relatives係澳洲) Thanks for help.


我今年25歲, 我係06年sem 2 Bachelor of Accountancy Graduates, 我畢業之後就返左香港, 冇申請到PR. 我想問如果我而家想移民返澳洲, 我仲夠唔夠分申請呢? You are asking this question in a bad time, Australian Government just past the immigration bill and GSM (General Skill Migration) requirement are Set to change in 1 Jan 2010 Now, it is really not about points..... Beside you need to fulfill the points requirment, all new applicant whose lodge their application on or after 1 January 2010 will need to undergo a jobready test. YOU MUST PASS THE JOB READY TEST to apply for GSM. Also, there will be tighter IELTS score for Offshore application. Go back to your question.... Without knowing how's your IELTS go, i cannot tell you wether or not you have enough points. Also, it is more complicated than that, although you will have 5 points for Australian Qualification (As the qualification is in unlimited time limit), you still need to have worked in Accounting for 2 years in order to apply for GSM as you do not have "recent" australian qualification, if you have not have anny working experience in Accounting, you cannot apply any GSM. So, if you have been working in accounting field for 2 years, get all paper 7.0 in IELTS, you will have 120 points and pass the migration test. If you have been working in accounting field for 2 year, get all paper 6.0 in IELTS, you will only have 110 points and fail the point test If you have NOT been working in Accounting field for 2 years, even you get all paper 7.0 or above in IELTS, you cannot apply for GSM. However, those are all follow the old requirment, that means if you lodge your GSM application BEFORE 1-1-2010. If you lodge it after 1-1-2010, you are following the new GSM requirment, and i need to get back to you on that cos DIAC have yet to release the change in detail.




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